Snake With Blue Eyes

Well life sure has a funny way of changing on you suddenly and when you least expect it. Here is a story of this morning, another tale of my heartbreak I guess.

Just like any other morning after I was dumped, I pull up and park my Chevy, grab my stuff and  glance to where Connor started recently parking his truck. I guess his new girl Caitlyn is worth getting to school early for, because he is already here. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and walk with my head high into the building; I am not going to let him get the best of me today. I get my coffee from the coffee cart and walk down the wide hall to the cafeteria. When I walked in, my heart dropped. He's sitting next to her, her legs on his thigh just like I used to do. Her hands on his cheek, her eyes reflected in his cold, dead baby blues. Sometimes I'm sure that the icy blue color of his eyes reflects his soul: frozen and emotionless. Anyways, I sit down at the hick table as always, in the last spot left which happens to be across from my heartless ex and his ugly new girlfriend. I sit there, listening to their sappy gossip, glancing over I see that her screen saver is them kissing. Great. It's been less than a week since he shattered my heart, so full of love for only him. How could I have been so naive, letting myself fall for such an evil-hearted villain. Quoting Carrie Underwood, "devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes," seems to describe Connor perfectly, as if Carrie Underwood were writing about this heartless boy himself. My heart was throbbing, begging for me to lash out in hot-blooded rage. My veins were burning with boiling blood; how could he do this to me? Then I realized a fundamental truth: most people in life are not there to help others, but there to use others to gain for themselves. He used me to get other girls, he used me to feel loved, he used me because I was gullible. I was so desperate for love that it made it simple for him to take advantage of my naivety. I should have known better than to give my heart so willingly to someone who neglected to even get me a card on my 17th birthday, but I learned the hard way never to trust someone with all you have. I hope that by me sharing this story, it might help someone else who is feeling betrayed feel like they're not alone. Until next time...
